Real-life Job Interview Questions for Engineers

A job interview is a gateway for people to enter into a potentially life-changing career. Embarking on a career as an engineer can be daunting, especially as the role may be highly technical. Engineering employers conducting interviews will want to check each candidate’s technical skills and ability are suitable for the job and draw upon your experience and knowledge within familiar and unfamiliar scenarios.

Our team at Control Recruitment Solutions have years of experience selecting candidates for engineering roles based on their ability, knowledge and skill level. Finding the right job for you may sound like a challenge, but you’ll be more prepared for the interview with the right support and advice. Here are some real-life job interview questions that you may encounter if you attend an engineering job interview.

Real-Life Engineering Interview Questions

If you have applied for an engineering role and been offered an interview, you might encounter questions like these:

  1. Describe the most challenging engineering project that you have been involved with during the past year.
  2. Talk us through the most challenging written technical report or presentation you’ve had to complete.
  3. Can you think of an experience you have had with a difficult client or supplier? How did you handle it and what would you have done differently?
  4. What would you describe as your greatest success in using logic to solve an engineering problem?
  5. Can you give an example of a time when you applied your ability to use analytical techniques to define problems or design solutions?
  6. What checks and standards do you work to or use to ensure that you don’t make mistakes?
  7. What engineering skills have you developed or improved upon within a previous job role?
  8. Which software packages (CMMS / CAD etc) are you familiar with? And how have you practically used the packages?

General Job Interview Questions

Now, a lot of employers will want to know more about you as a person and how you will fit into their company. Here are some of the general interview questions that you may be asked when you go for a job interview.

  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  2. What makes you the perfect candidate for this job?
  3. What are your greatest strengths or weaknesses?
  4. Tell me about something that’s not on your resume.
  5. How would your co-workers describe your personality?

How to prepare for a job interview?

When you have been offered a job interview, the first thing you should do is prepare and do your research. You’ll probably already know a bit about the company you have applied for; however, it is vital to check out the organisation’s website or social media for more detailed information.

An interview is mainly the employer asking you questions, but they will probably ask at the end of the interview, ‘do you have any questions?’ In this instance, you should probably have one or two questions lined up, ideally prepare these before you attend the interview.

One of the most important things to prepare before attending the interview is the travel arrangements. You’ll need to find out where the company is and where your interview is located, how long it will take to get there, ensuring you will arrive on time.

Contact Control Recruitment Solutions

If you are looking for a new career or want to broaden your skills, why not submit your CV to us today? We will discuss potential roles with you and keep you updated on your progress throughout the application process. Email us via